Powered by Univer OSS

Office Suite
of the Next Generation

Univer Sheet Preview
Highly extensible command system

Highly extensible command system

All actions on Univer are executed through the command system, which makes operations on Univer traceable and recordable. Advanced features such as collaborative editing, real-time sharing, and scripting are supported on top of command system.

Plugin oriented architecture

Plugin oriented architecture

Features in Univer are divided into multiple plugins. Developers can combine plugins according to their needs, or develop custom plugins to meet personalized requirements without modifying the Univer core code.

Unified rendering engine

Unified rendering engine

A high-performance graphics rendering engine based on Canvas, supporting documents, sheets, and slides, providing a seamless user experience. Advanced typesetting capabilities are supported.

High-performance formula engine

High-performance formula engine

Supports inverted indexing, lambda expressions, and more. A powerful RPC mechanism supports Web Worker computing and even server-side computing, providing excellent performance.

What is Univer and what features does it include?

Univer is an alternative to the Office suite, including spreadsheets, documents, and slides. Currently, it provides functions such as formulas, number formats, conditional formats, data validation, and graphic-text mixing. You can integrate Univer into your system and develop personalized business requirements based on Univer.

Is Univer free? Is there a paid version? What is the difference between different versions?

Univer includes OSS (Open Source Software) parts and closed-source parts that need to interact with the server. Univer OSS is open-source based on the Apache-2.0 license, and both open-source and closed-source parts can be used for free for commercial purposes. Some enterprises and organizations have higher requirements, and the official also provides subscription services for the business version.

Can Univer be extended to meet my needs?

Yes, Univer is highly extensible. Its command system and plugin architecture allow developers to create custom plugins or tailor Univer as needed. The default behavior of Univer can also be modified through various configuration options.

Which operating systems and devices does Univer support? Does it support mobile devices?

Univer supports various modern desktop browsers and plans to support mobile devices.

Does Univer provide customer support and technical maintenance? How should users seek help if they encounter problems?

Univer provides online documentation and community support, and users can submit issues or pull requests on GitHub. Enterprise users who subscribe to the business version can receive official technical support.

Start Experiencing Univer

The free edition requires no development license and can be deployed to your production environment.
The business version is free for 30 days.


Suitable for small businesses.


  • No development license.
  • Free to use in production environment.
  • Upgrade to the business edition with one click.
Start Using


Suitable for medium and large enterprises that need stable services.

Apply for a 30-day free trial with one click

  • After the trial period is over, the system is automatically downgraded to the free version, which does not affect the production environment.
One-click trial
There is no development license fee, and after the project is launched, consider whether to upgrade the business version as needed
Collaborative Editing
Max 50 people or 100 documents
Import & Export
Imported documents' size limited to 1MB
Export max to 10000 cells each time
Limited to 3 pages each time
Community support
No development licensing fees, low deployment costs, cost reduction and efficiency
Collaborative Editing
Import & Export
Service from Univer dev team