The Univer SDK can be embedded into enterprise applications such as ERP/CRM, IM, Email, Notion-like editors, no/low-code platforms, and BI systems, enabling online viewing and editing of Univer spreadsheets, docs, and slides. Additionally, the Univer Node API allows users to create and edit spreadsheets, docs, and slides on the server side, ensuring seamless integration with enterprise data.
Univer’s self-developed Canvas rendering engine and formula engine enable spreadsheets to handle tens of millions of cells and docs to support millions of characters, with the capability to perform server-side calculations and execute over 2 million formulas in a single sheet. This ensures a smooth user experience, effortlessly processing vast amounts of data.
Univer uses a modular plugin architecture, with each plugin serving an independent feature. Currently, Univer includes over 100 plugins, supporting flexible, Lego-like combinations and customization to meet diverse enterprise needs. Additionally, Univer offers a wide range of APIs, empowering companies to efficiently implement tailored features.
Univer uses OT algorithms to resolve editing conflicts, supporting simultaneous editing by up to 200 users and viewing by up to 1,000 users.
通过采用 Univer,客户成功构建了强大的 Wiki。Univer 提供卓越的数据处理能力、灵活的定制选项和高效的协同工具,帮助客户快速建立专属 Wiki,轻松应对复杂业务需求。借助实时协作、权限控制和历史版本恢复功能,客户内部员工能够高效管理和获取关键信息,大幅提升了知识共享的效率和数据安全性。
了解更多Fintech Service Provider
Univer has rapidly improved our document automation system, completely solving the challenges we faced with complex document generation, lack of scalability, and data security issues. Univer truly is a powerful tool for boosting both efficiency and user satisfaction!